June 7, 2020

Denali Brehmer // Alaska // 12

We have whiteboards to tell Hanna she sucks, alcohol baskets on the deck, and moms hiding in the pantry?  I guess we have a little bit of everything!  We also have a crazy story about Denali Brehmer who was offered a lot of cash from a catfisher, to do some pretty horrendous things.  Does she do them?  Maybe she does, maybe she doesn't..... Tune in to find out!  And don't forget to grab a drink, Megan does not disappoint with screwing up her words in this one!


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Megan Hawkins :

Well, hello,

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

welcome to our podcast.

Hanna Hawkins :

I'm just gonna say it normal this week. Welcome, does that make you happy?

Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

I didn't say it all creepy. Listen, I can't help myself when you give me the opportunity.

Megan Hawkins :

I didn't give you an opportunity you an opportunity to be a creep? You're doing that all on your own.

Hanna Hawkins :

You just leave the microphone wide open for me. It's your it's your fault.

Megan Hawkins :

Okay, well listen here. By the way, I'm Megan.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, I'm Hanna. I always forget about that part.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, you suck.

Hanna Hawkins :

I'm really bad at it. Hey,that's rude.

Megan Hawkins :

I have it written at the top of my whiteboard, names.

Hanna Hawkins :

You know what, when you said, I have it written at the top of your whiteboard I thought you meant like that it says that I suck. I was like that's so fucking rude!

Megan Hawkins :

That might be on there.

Hanna Hawkins :

And I'm looking up and I'm looking and I just see names and then

Megan Hawkins :

Names, Hanna sucks.

Hanna Hawkins :

I okay,we're done. I'm done with you right now

Megan Hawkins :

End of whiteboard.

Hanna Hawkins :

anywho...so remember how last week I was all Oh, my friends don't leave things on the porch for me.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, she was super jelly.

Hanna Hawkins :

I was I'm not gonna lie. Well guess what? My girl Trisha came through and I got I guess I don't even know if I'm saying this 100% correctly but I'm just gonna go for it and I got quarantwined and that's basically when somebody creates like a little basket of just kind of cool things like candles and the most important thing is alcohol. And I am currently drinking one of the things that I got Out of my basket, but I just got a whole basket of alcohol on my porch and I'm so excited for it. And she texted me and told me it was out there. And I'm like, Oh, I'm naked. I need to get dressed.

Megan Hawkins :

Dad, earmuffs!

Hanna Hawkins :

And I was just like so excited that I'm putting my clothes on backwards trying to get out there.

Megan Hawkins :

Oh my gosh.

Hanna Hawkins :

And yeah, she's really the real MVP cuz ah... I love to torture her with the way that I say her name. For years, whenever I wanted to find her anywhere. I do this awful thing, where I go Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsha. And I ran into or I ran into her at the gas station. I shouted that all the way across the parking lot today.

Megan Hawkins :

Well, our viewers just went down.

Hanna Hawkins :

You should not do that. Yeah, this poor girl. I mean, she listens to all the time. She I can't do it as good as she does, but she comes back with a hanNA. But it's not as cool as the Trrrrrrrrsha. So now that I've tortured you guys, which you're welcome for.

Megan Hawkins :

Yes, that was nice.

Hanna Hawkins :

Man. Again, you gave me the microphone.

Megan Hawkins :

I did. And that was a mistake.

Hanna Hawkins :

blame you. It's all your fault.

Megan Hawkins :

Okay, Well, if anybody wants an update on My poor baby monsters face

Hanna Hawkins :

Wait. What was it? Poor baby monster kitty.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, my poor baby monster kitties face. It's not going well.

Hanna Hawkins :

No, it's not.

Megan Hawkins :

It's so sad and so depressing. And now he has really, really sad eyes.

Hanna Hawkins :

He has really sad eyes

Megan Hawkins :

And we're trying everything. I've seriously purchased everything that I can think of and we're trying to fix him.

Hanna Hawkins :

It's true. She sent me to PetSmart to pick up an order for her. And it wasn't ready yet. And so I was like, oh, I'll just go ahead and call and see if it's if it's ready. And I give them a call as I'm sitting in the parking lot and my friend answers and I'm just like, Oh, hey, girl, hey.

Megan Hawkins :

I just sat with monster here at the house. And I kept going. Hanna's bringing you medicine. It's gonna be okay. Just hang on.

Hanna Hawkins :

Poor little cat. Oh, he has a very, very miserable little soul right now.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah. So we'll keep updating you in case anybody seems to care about our poor baby Monster kitty.

Hanna Hawkins :

Not like you could escape us talking about cats anyways.

Megan Hawkins :

No, not a chance. Not if you're listening to this. Yeah, that's gonna be on every episode.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

It would be weird if we had an episode where we didn't talk about them.

Hanna Hawkins :

I wonder if we have any? I don't think so.

Megan Hawkins :

Well, if we didn't bring them up, I'm sure they brought themselves up by meowing

Hanna Hawkins :

That's true or trying to dig me out of here like my cat always tries to do

Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

I don't know why he's just so determined that he can get through the sound booth door he's just gonna dig me right out of here. He probably could, honestly. He's big enough he could probably stretch right open or right up and open that door. I wouldn't be surprised.

Megan Hawkins :

Mm hmm. True.....True dat. Also, since we feel so so bad for baby Monster every time we put meds on his face, then we try to quietly give him treats without the other three cats hearing the treat bag.

Hanna Hawkins :

Which is like impossible.

Megan Hawkins :

Impossible. I don't know why no one has created treat bags that are quieter.

Hanna Hawkins :

They have.

Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

like the little jars the of them, you just pop the lid.

Megan Hawkins :

What the shit? Okay, well Mind Blown! I guess that's been invented. So I'm gonna stop wasting time on that. Okay, so....

Hanna Hawkins :

but, I think you were gonna talk about mom hiding in the pantry.

Megan Hawkins :

I 100% am. So I like tell mom, I'm like, we have to give him a treat. So Hanna goes and flips on the water. She's like, I've got the water running. Mom takes the bag of treats in the pantry and she goes lalalalalalalala!!!! As she's opening the bag. It worked.

Hanna Hawkins :

It did, but we sounded like a bunch of maniacs because we're all trying to make noise.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, super hilarious. All I could do is just sit there and laugh at them because it was so ridiculous.

Hanna Hawkins :

Hey, it worked.

Megan Hawkins :

It did.

Hanna Hawkins :

That's what matters.

Megan Hawkins :

And he got his little treat.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

So yeah.

Megan Hawkins :

And a little bit of cream cheese this morning.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, I didn't know about that one.

Megan Hawkins :

He loves cream cheese. So I gave him a little lick.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh my goodness

Megan Hawkins :

Okay, Would you like to hear a story that is from Alaska today?

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, hell yeah.

Megan Hawkins :

Okay. Cynthia Hoffman, who went by CeeCee was a developmentally disabled woman that caused her to operate intellectually at a seventh grade level. She met Denali Brehmer at a high school in Anchorage. on her Instagram. Cynthia posted many photos where the two girls were striking goofy poses at a school dance. She even captioned one of the photos, my BFF....... I already can't breathe.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, I was gonna say, my BFF Jill.

Megan Hawkins :

Denali brehmer is an Alaskan teen. That was part of a plot to kill Cynthia Hoffman, who was supposedly her best friend Denali began plotting the murder With the help of other teens after being catfished by a fake millionaire online, who claimed his name was Tyler lived in Kansas, and was offering $9 million or more if she raped and murdered someone in Alaska.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, ewww...... I was gonna say I'll take 9 million for that, I backed that train up real quick.

Megan Hawkins :

The man that claimed to be the millionaire was 21 year old Darrin Schilmiller from Indiana. He asked Denali for photos and video of the murder and in exchange, she would get the money. On June 2, Denali and Caden borrowed a friend's car to pick up Cynthia and drove to northern outskirts of Anchorage. They claim they were going hiking. They led Cynthia to Thunderbird falls trail, which has a 200 foot waterfall if you follow the path instead of heading For the falls, they went off the trail and followed a path along the Eklutna. Oh man.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh man, that's an interesting place.

Megan Hawkins :

Shit, can you Google that? It was just the river.

Hanna Hawkins :

It would so Google it, but I did not bring my phone with me.

Megan Hawkins :

I didn't either.

Hanna Hawkins :

The one time neither of us bring them.

Megan Hawkins :

Um, I looked it up and now I forgot.

Hanna Hawkins :

Maybe just spell it, that'll be good enough.

Megan Hawkins :

The E-K-L-U-T-N-A River.

Hanna Hawkins :

There we go. Good enough for me.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, it's either Eklutna or EklUtna.

Hanna Hawkins :

Or something like that.

Megan Hawkins :

It was a river.

Hanna Hawkins :

That's good enough. You spelled it.

Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

That's all the matters,

Megan Hawkins :

the pair were bound for. No, that's not right.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh Nooooo. I think those margaritas are hittin us, man.

Megan Hawkins :

The Margarita's be strong.

Hanna Hawkins :

The Margarita's. OK Let's try this again.

Megan Hawkins :

The pair bound Cynthia's hands feet and mouth with duct tape. I can't look at your fucking face right now.

Hanna Hawkins :

Dude, you came in so fucking serious.

Megan Hawkins :

This is serious. I'm super serious.

Hanna Hawkins :

Okay. I won't look at you.

Megan Hawkins :

Please. Once restrained Kayden took Denali's nine millimeter handgun and shot Cynthia in the back of the head and they put her body in the river. There was digital evidence and statements that show Denali was sending videos and photographs of the events. During the incident to the catfisher she knew as Tyler

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

She also posted a snapchat after the murder where she said I'm sorry everybody, my family, my friends, I guess You'll hear from me when you hear from me, but I won't be back for a long time. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.

Hanna Hawkins :

Ah, I'm pretty sure you did.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah. On June 4, two days after her family reported her missing. Police found Cynthia's body on the bank of the river near a hiking trail on the outskirts of Anchorage. Cynthia's father Timothy said he knew something was wrong when she didn't answer her phone. He said in this family, you all have phones when dad calls you answer. I don't care if you're at church and the holy pastors preaching. I don't care if you're at school taking the high school diploma test. If dad calls you answer.

Hanna Hawkins :

listen, if mom calls I never reject that. I don't care what I'm doing.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, you answer if mom calls.

Hanna Hawkins :

I'm answering the fucking phone as fast as I can. And yeah, and if I have two miss calls from her, I mean, my heart drops through my ass.I'm in trouble. Like I can text Hanna 20 times and she will ignore every one of them. And then mom calls and she answers. Yep. That's valid

Megan Hawkins :

Annoying as shit. Timothy had taught his daughter to be his right hand man, and owed her money for a reason job they had done. He knew there was a problem when she didn't show up on June 2 to collect her money. He said, I put out search parties. I drove my motorcycle through the woods and bike paths. I floored it all over town doing speed limits I should not have been doing looking for my kid. When she didn't come home the first day. I knew something was wrong. When she didn't come home the second day, I knew something was wrong. And then all I could think about was the knock on the door. The knock on the door happened. And he said, I just looked at them and said she's dead, isn't she?

Hanna Hawkins :

Okay, this is fucking sad.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah. And they said yes.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

He also said he didn't feel like the police took Cynthia's disability very seriously. While Timothy search for his daughter he was texting Cynthia's best friend, who he knew as Angel. The teen was with her before the disappearance and told him that she dropped her off at a local park. Per Cynthia's request. Angel sounded very distraught over the situation and texted. I hope she comes home safely. She's my best friend. I know she'll come home safe. Timothy soon found out that Angel's real name was Denali Brehmer, and she was a fucking liar. It seriously pisses me off that this stupid bitch is sitting there and texting her father. I mean, like, I'm so concerned she's gonna be safe. Everything's fine. You already know what you did.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

Not cool. I don't like that. When Denali was first questioned by police on June 6. After Cynthia's body was found, she originally claimed that they had gone to Thunderbird falls to take pictures of each other wrapped in duct tape. She said CeeCee was bound by her ankles and wrists with duct tape and gray duct tape was over her mouth. CeeCee began panicking, so they remove the duct tape from her mouth and hands. CeeCee began saying she would call the police and say they kidnapped her and sexually assaulted her. She had no idea that Caden plan on shooting Cynthia right even though Denali just shows up there with a gun she has no idea this is the plan. Kaden claimed he blacked out at this point but he remembers taking the gun from Denali shooting Cynthia and pushing her in the river. The two then agreed to text her family and say she was dropped off at a park. They burned the gun along with Cynthia's purse clothes and ID. Police got a search warrant for Denali's phone and found child pornography. She deleted all messages between her and the cafisher. But as we all know that shit doesn't work. In a text message....

Hanna Hawkins :

Yes, there it is.

Megan Hawkins :

Whoop, there it is!

Hanna Hawkins :

Wait, I get to take a drink because you fucked up a word.

Megan Hawkins :

Oh God, I hope that's not a thing that starts on this you guys are all gonna be drunk

Hanna Hawkins :

It is now.

Megan Hawkins :

whoo boy in a text message conversation with the catfisher

Hanna Hawkins :

I like how you said that. the text message conversation

Megan Hawkins :

the catfisher was listed in her phone as babe.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

She discussed her plans to sexually assault a teenage girl and film it for him. She texted him gonna go buy weed first. I want to get her high for it so she doesn't fight me. I love you

Hanna Hawkins :

That's not really how weed works, but you know, whatever.

Megan Hawkins :

Like, at all. Probably.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh, yeah, probably because we don't No, no, no. Oh.

Megan Hawkins :

In another message she said, I wish I never made a deal with you in the first place we can meet but once I see a cop, I'm telling him or her that you made me rape and kill CeeCee. Once Denali discovered that she had been catfished. She told authorities that she was instructed to sexually assault two minors, one who was eight or nine years old, and the other who was 15 FBI agents were not able to find videos of the younger child, but Denali had sent child pornography to the catfisher that featured the 15 year old victim.

Hanna Hawkins :

Oh God.

Megan Hawkins :

I know.

Hanna Hawkins :

Yeah, no.

Megan Hawkins :

Disgusting Denali, brehmer, 16 year old Kayden McIntosh and 19 year old Caleb Leland were charged with first degree murder, first degree conspiracy to commit murder and two counts of second degree murder and other related charges. Caleb Leland was the one that lent the car in exchange for the promise of $500,000. Denali also faces 30 years for conspiracy to produce child pornography. 30 years for the production of child pornography, and 20 years for distribution of child pornography. There are also two juveniles that were involved but due to their age, their names have not been released. A female juvenile admitted to being present when the murder was planned. A male juvenile admitted that he agreed to help kidnap and murder Cynthia. It was also discovered that Denali and the cat Fisher plan to rape and murder someone else in Alaska weeks before Cynthia's murder, but they ended up abandoning the plan because apparently it's easier for her to kill her closest best friend. Because they could use the trust against her rather than lure a stranger into the woods.

Hanna Hawkins :

Dude, I know that like birds of a feather flock together, but it's just so freakin weird to me. How they easily find them how they can find other like

Megan Hawkins :

I'm going to do something horrendous and shitty. And somehow I can find a whole group of others that want to do it too

Hanna Hawkins :

right. Yeah, like you want to witness me murder someone and rape some cool Come on. Grab some popcorn, take a seat like it's just so fucked up.

Megan Hawkins :

I know I don't get it at all. Darin Schilmiller the catfisher is indicted on the same charges as Denali plus an additional charge of coercion and enticement of a minor which carries a prison sentence of 10 years to life.

Hanna Hawkins :

That's a big difference, dude.

Megan Hawkins :

I know.

Hanna Hawkins :

I mean, I know which one I'm rooting for, but I'm just saying 10 years to life is a huge fucking difference.

Megan Hawkins :

uh huh. Cynthia's father Timothy says, For my daughter to go through what she's gone through, the only thing I can imagine is that she was yelling her daddy's name. And it goes through my head over and over and over again. And there's nothing I can do about it. He says he has a special

Hanna Hawkins :

There it is, wait, drink! Oh, yeah, getting my chugs in tonight.

Megan Hawkins :

So annoyed. He has a special message for the people involved in his daughter's murder. I have one thing on my mind. And that's to send all six of them to hell. And I ain't gonna to rest until it's done.

Hanna Hawkins :


Megan Hawkins :

The end.

Hanna Hawkins :

Holy shit.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah. Do you like that ending there though?

Hanna Hawkins :

I mean, that was a really good story honestly. But Like, sad but really good. Yeah, like Super gross too, though.

Megan Hawkins :

I know. Oh my gosh. And seriously do not give weed to people thinking that you can do stuff you shouldn't

Hanna Hawkins :

Yes. or any type of drug. Don't give any type of drug to people.

Megan Hawkins :

It's very frowned upon. We don't like that.

Hanna Hawkins :

Listen, I'm trying to be serious and not laugh. It's very frowned upon. Oh no.

Megan Hawkins :

Ok, in all seriousness though. It's disgusting.

Hanna Hawkins :

Yeah, don't do it. Every. No excuses.

Megan Hawkins :


Hanna Hawkins :

All right

Megan Hawkins :

so there you have it. That was for Alaska.

Hanna Hawkins :

You are heating me out of this thing already

Megan Hawkins :

No, it's all you

Hanna Hawkins :

It's you.

Megan Hawkins :

Oh my gosh. Okay, well we got to get out of this sound booth already and it hasn't even been that long of a show but I really hope that you're drinking for all of my mess ups because you might be drunk.

Hanna Hawkins :

Yes, I mean, maybe if they listen to them all in a row. I would be

Megan Hawkins :

Going forward. I would just expect that they're gonna be in every episode.

Hanna Hawkins :

That's why I'm gonna drink every time I hear you do it.

Megan Hawkins :

Yeah, I just, I don't know words are hard.

Hanna Hawkins :

I'm here. I'm listening.

Megan Hawkins :

Okay. Ah, well, like us on Facebook. Tell your friends and subscribe to our podcast.

Unison :


Megan Hawkins :

*Whispers* Drink.

Unknown Speaker :

Sorry, you just wait for it to go dead ass silent. *Whispers* Drink

Megan Hawkins :

I might have to write drink on the whiteboard, so that we remember.

Hanna Hawkins :

You left like one fucking sip in there.

Megan Hawkins :

Listen, I don't want to hear your shit.

Hanna Hawkins :

Are you kidding me right now?

Megan Hawkins :

You're annoying. Oh you're driving me nuts. Don't worry about it. Stop worrying about my sips.

Hanna Hawkins :

I'm fucking worried about it's pissing me off.

Megan Hawkins :

Sip sip. What the shit? Ok Transcribed by https://otter.ai